5 essential business development tips for under-resourced not-for-profits and social enterprises

Business development and client engagement within a small not-for-profit (NFP) or social enterprise can leave directors, managers, and staff feeling like a circus octopus; juggling all of the balls with all of the arms, trying desperately to stay afloat. Establishing and maintaining a sales pipeline that ensures the future viability of the organisation can often…

By Glenn McDonald July 12, 2018 Off

Why you should smile when you answer the phone, and why this ‘soft skill’ matters

A friend and I were discussing ‘soft’ skills the other day and the reclassification of skills that were until recently dubbed ‘soft’ skills, to the more accurate (in my opinion) ‘core’ skills. These are the skills that we use daily including office communication, appropriate and professional language and conduct when engaging with clients, partners, and…

By Glenn McDonald June 16, 2018 Off